Points South of London

1. While traveling on I-75, take Exit 38
2. At the end of the ramp, turn left onto Highway 192
3. Proceed .6 miles and turn right at the bottom of the hill onto Thompson-Poynter Road. (Turn just before the BP gas station on the left and Logan’s Car Wash is on the right)
4. Proceed .1 mile and turn right onto Pepperhill Drive. Turn into the second parking lot on the left.

Points North of London

1. While traveling on I-75, take Exit 38
2. At the end of the ramp, turn right onto Highway 192
3. Proceed .5 miles and turn right at the bottom of the hill onto Thompson-Poynter Road.(Turn just before the BP gas station on the left and Logan’s Car Wash is on the right)
4. Proceed .1 mile and turn right onto Pepperhill Drive. Turn into the second parking lot on the left.


Oakley Chiropractic Center is located in the lower level of the Pepperhill Dental Care building.